
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
The Grant Williams Podcast Ep. 44 - David Dorr PREVIEW
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
My returning guest in this edition of The Grant Williams Podcast is David Dorr of Dorr Asset Management. David returns to discuss the fallout from FTX, the toppling dominoes it may set in motion, and what it means for the likes of Binance, DCG and Tether.
Every episode of the Grant Williams podcast, including This Week In Doom, The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game and Shifts Happen, is available to Copper, Silver and Gold Tier subscribers at my website www.Grant-Williams.com.
Copper Tier subscribers get access to all podcasts, while members of the Silver Tier get both the podcasts and my monthly newsletter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Gold Tier subscribers have access to my new series of in-depth video conversations, About Time.

Friday Dec 23, 2022
The Grant Williams Podcast Ep. 43 - Kim Ann Curtin FULL EPISODE
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Friday Dec 23, 2022
My guest on this episode of The Grant Williams Podcast is Kim Ann Curtin, aka The Wall Street Coach. Kim, a 24-year veteran of Wall Street, has traded Brooklyn for Big Island of Hawai'i, where she has established an executive and trading coaching practice that works with a series of founders, CEOs and senior level executives at Fortune 500 companies around the world to help them hone and sharpen their performance.
In a fascinating conversation, Kim and I begin with the subject of fear, greed and need before branching out into a discussion about universal needs and how investors are wired to require certain things in order to function effectively.
What are those things and how do we harness our understanding of them to improve out performance? Listen in and Kim will tell you...
Every episode of the Grant Williams podcast, including This Week In Doom, The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game and Shifts Happen, is available to Copper, Silver and Gold Tier subscribers at my website www.Grant-Williams.com.
Copper Tier subscribers get access to all podcasts, while members of the Silver Tier get both the podcasts and my monthly newsletter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Gold Tier subscribers have access to my new series of in-depth video conversations, About Time.

Sunday Oct 30, 2022
The End Game Ep. 39 - David Einhorn PREVIEW
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
The latest guest to grace The End Game series is hedge fund legend, value investor, reformed shortseller and poker wizard, David Einhorn.
In a greatly anticipated conversation, Bill and I get the chance to quiz David about his recent comments on the death of value investing, the challenges posed by investing in a bear market and the likelihood that inflation, far from being transitory, is now structural.
Throw in a dissection of where central banks find themselves, and a fascinating glimpse into David's experiences at some of the highest stakes poker tables in the world and you have all the ingredients necessary for a classic End Game conversation.
As a reminder, Silver Tier subscribers to https://www.grant-williams.com get access to both Things That Make You Go Hmmm… and all editions of The Grant Williams Podcast, including The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game, This Week In Doom and Shifts Happen so sign up today!

Sunday Oct 30, 2022
The End Game Ep. 38 - James Aitken PREVIEW
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
When James Aitken calls and says we need to record another episode of The End Game based on the events of recent weeks, Fleck and I dropped everything and got him on the phone immediately.
In this superb conversation, James lays out how and why the turmoil in the UK happened and explains the implications — which extend into the depths of financial market plumbing, an area James knows better than just about anybody.
LDIs, Linkers, the box into which the Fed has painted itself and the dreadful predicament facing the BoJ all come under the microscope as James picks apart the plumbing as only he can.
Buckle up, folks. Things are about to get really interesting...
As a reminder, Silver Tier subscribers to https://www.grant-williams.com get access to both Things That Make You Go Hmmm… and all editions of The Grant Williams Podcast, including The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game, This Week In Doom and Shifts Happen so sign up today!

Sunday Oct 30, 2022
The End Game Ep. 37 - Gerard Minack PREVIEW
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Episode 37 of The End Game sees Bill and Grant welcome back Gerard Minack of Minack Advisors for a discussion on the current market environment, the reality of the inflationary pulse upending markets and the path Gerard believes we take from here.
Gerard’s one-man mission to convince the world that Central Bankers aren’t responsible for the unfolding disaster in financial markets runs headlong into a man with a hammer to whom everything looks like a nail in Fleck but the case Gerard makes is extremely thought-provoking.
As Gerard says, investor sentiment is a three-month trailing average of the price action and, with that as a backdrop, we pick apart recent price action and dig into the ocean of data that Gerard parses for his clients in order to try and figure out what comes next...
As a reminder, Silver Tier subscribers to https://www.grant-williams.com get access to both Things That Make You Go Hmmm… and all editions of The Grant Williams Podcast, including The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game, This Week In Doom and Shifts Happen so sign up today!

Sunday Oct 23, 2022
The Grant Williams Podcast: Shifts Happen - Episode Three PREVIEW
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Episode Three of Shifts Happen focuses on a fast-moving world that seems to get trickier by the day.
The importance of energy self-sufficiency is revealing itself and that is shifting the power from formerly strong hands into the hands of those once considered weaker players.
The war in Ukraine is amplifying the situation in mainstream media headlines but, away from those, there is a balance sheet contest taking place that reveals an entirely different pecking order - one which potentially upends the global power structure.
Western sovereign debt markets are now under immense pressure with liquidity concerns escalating dramatically and currencies starting to move in directions and at speeds that are confounding central banks.
What happens next? Luke has a few ideas and, as always, they are pretty thought-provoking.
Every episode of the Grant Williams podcast, including The End Game, Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game, This Week In Doom and the new series, Shifts Happen, featuring Luke Gromen is available to Copper and Silver Tier subscribers at my website Grant dash Williams dot com. Copper Tier subscribers get access to all podcasts, while members of the Silver Tier get both the podcasts and my monthly newsletter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm…
So if you enjoy what you hear on this show and want more high-quality content like it, make your way over to Grant dash Williams dot com and join our exciting community today!

Monday Sep 12, 2022
The End Game Ep. 36 - Ed Chancellor PREVIEW
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
In the latest episode of The End Game, Bill and Grant welcome author and financial historian non-pareil, Edward Chancellor back to talk about his new book The Price Of Time.
During his first appearance on The End Game, Ed teased us with a book he was in the process of wrapping up which would chronicle the history of interest rates and tell the story of the cost of money over the course of history.
Now, with the book appearing on multiple bestseller lists, Ed joins us to discuss what he learned as he trawled through the history books in search of a story that really is as old as time itself. From biblical times to the modern day malaise engulfing the world’s central banks as they battle the unintended consequences of a decade of artificial interest rates, Ed spins a story that has to be heard and needs to be understood.
As a reminder, Silver Tier subscribers to https://www.grant-williams.com get access to both Things That Make You Go Hmmm… and all editions of The Grant Williams Podcast, including The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game, This Week In Doom and Shifts Happen so sign up today!

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
This Week In Doom Ep. 9 - What’s Next For Europe? (Panel) (FULL EPISODE)
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
In this special edition of This Week In Doom, Grant and The Green Chicken are joined by Luke Gromen of Forest For The Trees LLC, Marko Papic of Clocktower Group and special guest Sir Steven Wilkinson, author of The Pitchfork Papers, for a discussion on the EU's creaking energy policy, the effects of sanctions against Russia in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine and what it all means for the future of Europe.
In a two-hour debate filled with insightful analysis, respectful disagreement and thoughtful perspective, we explored multiple facets of the current situation, picked apart the potential outcomes and tried to handicap the likely paths that may be taken from here.
Finally, as the discussion turned to Germany's role in how this all plays out, we welcomed Sir Steven who gave us the benefit of his near-30 years experience building and operating businesses in Germany.

Saturday Aug 20, 2022
The Grant Williams Podcast Ep. 38 - Sir Steven Wilkinson PREVIEW
Saturday Aug 20, 2022
Saturday Aug 20, 2022
The latest episode of The Grant Williams Podcast features the wonderful personality and profound intellect of Sir Steven Wilkinson - a man I’ve admired for a long time and who, earlier this year, I had the great pleasure of spending a day with as part of the Gold Tier About Time series.
The genesis of this particular conversation was, as you’ll hear, Steven graciously pointing out to me where I was completely wrong in my thinking about the EU and, in particular, Germany. Having read my last Things That Make You Go Hmmm... and listened to my recent appearance on the excellent Wall Street Silver/Doomberg Spaces to discuss my thoughts on Europe, Steven contacted me to explain where I was off-beam.
Needless to say, I thought my dressing down should be a) public and b) form the basis for a conversation that would make sure everybody ended up better-informed (with the possible exception of Steven!)...
Every episode of the Grant Williams podcast, including This Week In Doom, The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game and Shifts Happen, is available to Copper, Silver and Gold Tier subscribers at my website www.Grant-Williams.com.
Copper Tier subscribers get access to all podcasts, while members of the Silver Tier get both the podcasts and my monthly newsletter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Gold Tier subscribers have access to my new series of in-depth video conversations, About Time.

Friday Aug 19, 2022
The Narrative Game Ep. 8: N.E.W.S.
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
In the latest episode of The Narrative Game, Ben and Grant discuss the Narrative Early Warning System (N.E.W.S.) developed by Ben and Rusty Guinn to help not just investors, but everybody understand and sidestep the increasing amount of ‘controlled’ news funneled into our social media feeds, news sources and conversations with friends.
NEWS is the culmination of a 30 year-long project which Ben has been developing since his earliest academic research and is designed to alert people to the signals and clues that what you may be reading has been delivered to you at a very specific time in a very specific way and through a very specific medium in order to generate a very specific reaction.
Arming yourself with the defensive weaponry required to sidestep the ‘nudging state’ has never been more important so start fighting back today by listening to Ben.
As a reminder, Silver Tier subscribers to https://www.grant-williams.com get access to both Things That Make You Go Hmmm… and all editions of The Grant Williams Podcast, including The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game, This Week In Doom and Shifts Happen so sign up today!