
Friday Sep 01, 2023
The Grant Williams Podcast Ep. 62 - Chris Joye
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Joining me on the podcast for this episode is Chris Joye, Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Coolabah Capital Investments in Sydney Australia, a multi-billion dollar long/short credit fund founded in 2011. I’ve been following Chris for a number of years and was delighted to finally get the chance to talk to hm and the conversation more than lived up to my lofty expectations. Subjects under discussion include why Chris believes the market is underestimating how long higher inflation will persist (and the ramifications that will surely follow), why he believes this time the world’s central banks will be forced […]
Every episode of the Grant Williams podcast, including This Week In Doom, The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game, Kaos Theory and Shifts Happen, is available to Copper, Silver and Gold Tier subscribers at my website www.Grant-Williams.com.
Copper Tier subscribers get access to all podcasts, while members of the Silver Tier get both the podcasts and my monthly newsletter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Gold Tier subscribers have access to my new series of in-depth video conversations, About Time.

Thursday Aug 24, 2023
The Grant Williams Podcast Ep. 61 - Marvin Barth
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Joining me on the latest episode of The Grant Williams Podcast is Marvin Barth – a man whose path through the financial maze has encompassed just about every facet of the industry. From the US Treasury, to the Federal Reserve, the BIS, the sell-side, the buy-side and now a proprietary independent research business, Marvin’s wealth of experience has spawned an incredibly original and extremely broad perspective on just about every aspect of financial markets. In a remarkable and wide-ranging conversation, Marvin explains how he uses thematic ideas to help understand and explain market movements and we dig deep into several
Every episode of the Grant Williams podcast, including This Week In Doom, The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game, Kaos Theory and Shifts Happen, is available to Copper, Silver and Gold Tier subscribers at my website www.Grant-Williams.com.
Copper Tier subscribers get access to all podcasts, while members of the Silver Tier get both the podcasts and my monthly newsletter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Gold Tier subscribers have access to my new series of in-depth video conversations, About Time.

Monday Aug 14, 2023
The End Game Ep. 45 - Kris Sidial PREVIEW
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Joining us for this episode of The End Game is Kris Sidial, Co-Chief Investment Officer of The Ambrus Group, a tail-risk manager specializing in volatility strategies. Kris and his team seek to offer investors tail-risk protection without the associated 'bleed' in premium during times of dampened volatility so, with September fast-approaching, we thought it was a perfect time to chat with him as markets prepare to wake from their traditional summer slumbers.
Kris' thoughts about what to expect as we move towards the back end of 2023 are incredibly interesting, with his expected scenario for the rest of this year having the potential to create quite the stir in markets lulled to sleep by the constant downward pressure on vol over recent years.
Buckle up, folks!
Every episode of the Grant Williams podcast, including This Week In Doom, The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game, Kaos Theory and Shifts Happen, is available to Copper, Silver and Gold Tier subscribers at my website www.Grant-Williams.com.
Copper Tier subscribers get access to all podcasts, while members of the Silver Tier get both the podcasts and my monthly newsletter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Gold Tier subscribers have access to my new series of in-depth video conversations, About Time.

Thursday Jul 27, 2023
The Grant Williams Podcast Ep. 60 - Richard O’Leary
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Joining me in the latest episode of The Grant Williams Podcast is entrepreneur Richard O'Leary, President of Culture Tech, a fascinating project seeking to use technology to catalog and secure the rights of artists and creators in an increasingly fragmented and complex world.
Through his background as a senior marketing executive, Richard's deep understanding of brand and IP helped him identify what is a multi-billion dollar gap in a world where content is being created in ever-more diverse media.
What role can Blockchain play in finding a potential solution to the problem of IP theft and how can technology secure the rights to artists' work as human creativity continues to push new boundaries? Tune in and find out.
Every episode of the Grant Williams podcast, including This Week In Doom, The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game, Kaos Theory and Shifts Happen, is available to Copper, Silver and Gold Tier subscribers at my website www.Grant-Williams.com.
Copper Tier subscribers get access to all podcasts, while members of the Silver Tier get both the podcasts and my monthly newsletter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Gold Tier subscribers have access to my new series of in-depth video conversations, About Time.

Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
The Grant Williams Podcast: Shifts Happen - Episode Six PREVIEW
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
The subject at hand in episode six of Shifts Happen is the potential for a new commodity-backed BRICS currency and, joining us to kick the idea around is Josh Crumb, Founder and CEO of Abaxx Technologies.
Through his work at Abaxx, Josh is perfectly placed to discuss the importance of physical settlement in the commodity markets and the practical limitations of introducing a currency that requires settlement through physical transfer.
Also up for discussion is the wider connection between energy and interest rates as Josh shares with us the lessons learned from decades of experience, with his diverse background as a mining engineer, trader and the Co-Founder of Goldmoney, giving him a rare perspective into the significant change taking place in the world of commodities.
Every episode of the Grant Williams podcast, including This Week In Doom, The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game, Kaos Theory and Shifts Happen, is available to Copper, Silver and Gold Tier subscribers at my website www.Grant-Williams.com.
Copper Tier subscribers get access to all podcasts, while members of the Silver Tier get both the podcasts and my monthly newsletter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Gold Tier subscribers have access to my new series of in-depth video conversations, About Time.

Saturday Jul 15, 2023
The Grant Williams Podcast Ep. 59 - Tom Bachrach - PREVIEW
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Joining me fr this episode of The Grant Williams Podcast is Tom Bachrach, CIO of PFH Capital, a value investing partnership in the Philadelphia area.
Several of Tom's letters to his investors caught my eye in recent months and so I invited him onto the show to talk to me about how an investor looking for undervalued, sustainable businesses goes about navigating the new investment landscape - one of rising rates, falling inflation and ever-escalating madness.
Our conversation took numerous twists and turns from value investing to debt and, eventually, onto energy and each of those turns made for highly thought-provoking discussion.
Every episode of the Grant Williams podcast, including This Week In Doom, The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game and Shifts Happen, is available to Copper, Silver and Gold Tier subscribers at my website www.Grant-Williams.com.
Copper Tier subscribers get access to all podcasts, while members of the Silver Tier get both the podcasts and my monthly newsletter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Gold Tier subscribers have access to my new series of in-depth video conversations, About Time.

Friday Jul 07, 2023
The Grant Williams Podcast Ep. 58 - Matt Barrie - FULL EPISODE
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Joining me in this episode of The Grant Williams Podcast is the Sydney-based CEO of Freelancer.com, Matt Barrie.
Matt was recently invited to give the opening keynote at the Sydney Morning Herald's Sydney 2050 Summit and, it's safe to say that, once Matt left the stage 40 minutes later, the room had been stunned into silence.
The Australia Matt laid bare was a long way from the idyllic, sun-kissed 'Lucky Country' of popular consciousness and far more in keeping with the portrait painted in the pages of Things That Make You Go Hmmm... over the last several years, so it was with great relish that I invited Matt onto the podcast to tell that same story and discuss the reaction to it.
The full text of Matt's stellar speech can be found HERE and a video of his opening keynote is HERE.
I'd strongly urge listeners to either read or watch Matt's speech in full. It is, as they say Down Under, a ripper!
Every episode of the Grant Williams podcast, including This Week In Doom, The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game and Shifts Happen, is available to Copper, Silver and Gold Tier subscribers at my website www.Grant-Williams.com.
Copper Tier subscribers get access to all podcasts, while members of the Silver Tier get both the podcasts and my monthly newsletter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Gold Tier subscribers have access to my new series of in-depth video conversations, About Time.

Thursday May 25, 2023
The Grant Williams Podcast Ep. 55 - Matt Stoller - PREVIEW
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
Joining me in this episode of The Grant Williams Podcast is Matt Stoller, former Congressional staffer and author of Goliath: The 100-Year War Between Monopoly Power and Democracy and the excellent Substack BIG.
Matt's work on the threat posed by monopoly power is exceptional and, in this fascinating conversation we cover the challenges he's faced in taking on Big Tech monopolies, the anti-capitalist consequences of monopolistic corporate power, his experiences on The Hill during the 2008 Global Financial Crisis and his bipartisan approach to changing the current political landscape in the United States.
There's so much at stake as large corporations tighten their collective grip on the throat of the consumer and Matt offers an insightful look both backward and forward in trying to assess where things went wrong, and how they might be fixed.
Every episode of the Grant Williams podcast, including This Week In Doom, The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game and Shifts Happen, is available to Copper, Silver and Gold Tier subscribers at my website www.Grant-Williams.com.
Copper Tier subscribers get access to all podcasts, while members of the Silver Tier get both the podcasts and my monthly newsletter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Gold Tier subscribers have access to my new series of in-depth video conversations, About Time.

Thursday May 25, 2023
The Grant Williams Podcast Ep. 54 - Danielle DiMartino Booth - PREVIEW
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
Joining me on this edition of The Grant Williams Podcast is returning guest, Danielle DiMartino Booth, CEO and Chief Strategist at QI Research, LLC in Dallas, TX.
Danielle's knowledge of the inner workings of the Federal Reserve has been invaluable both to her clients and the broader financial community in recent years and her analysis of the predicament in which the Fed finds itself and the fast-disappearing options at their disposal to extricate themselves has found a hungry audience.
This time up, Danielle explains her latest thinking on the state of the economy, how we might be facing an abrupt economic air pocket, the political vulnerability of House Speaker McCarthy, and even the odds of the US splintering via a series of succession movements.
It's compelling stuff, folks!
Every episode of the Grant Williams podcast, including This Week In Doom, The End Game, The Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game and Shifts Happen, is available to Copper, Silver and Gold Tier subscribers at my website www.Grant-Williams.com.
Copper Tier subscribers get access to all podcasts, while members of the Silver Tier get both the podcasts and my monthly newsletter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm… Gold Tier subscribers have access to my new series of in-depth video conversations, About Time.

Monday May 01, 2023
The Grant Williams Podcast: Shifts Happen - Episode Five PREVIEW
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Episode Five of Shifts Happen brings into focus the recent 'quickening' around the de-dollarization narrative and the impossible-to-ignore elevation in comments from world leaders questioning the logic underpinning their forced adoption of the US dollar in many cross-border trades.
From the numerous bilateral trade agreements being struck that circumvent the dollar to the rising percentage of cross border trade being conducted by China in renminbi, Grant and Luke discuss the crucial difference between the dollar as a reserve currency and its role as a reserve asset - one of which is coming under significant threat, one of which remains rock solid.
The extraordinary level of dogmatism on both sides of the argument comes under the microscope and Luke turns to Lucille Ball for an analogy which provides the perfect illustration of the problem facing the US Treasury.
Every episode of the Grant Williams podcast, including The End Game, Super Terrific Happy Hour, The Narrative Game, This Week In Doom and the new series, Shifts Happen, featuring Luke Gromen is available to Copper and Silver Tier subscribers at my website Grant dash Williams dot com. Copper Tier subscribers get access to all podcasts, while members of the Silver Tier get both the podcasts and my monthly newsletter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm…
So if you enjoy what you hear on this show and want more high-quality content like it, make your way over to Grant dash Williams dot com and join our exciting community today!